It also controls the statistics, so can basically report whatever number suits. 经济数据也在政府的掌握之中,因此基本上已公布的数字都很合适。
A new report says the number of foreign students at colleges and universities in the United States increased three percent last year. 一份新报告说在美国高校的留学生的数量去年增加3%。
Zo ë then checks in all her changes to the source code repository, using the bug report number and title as the check-in comment. 然后Zoë可以将她的所有更改签入源代码存储库,并使用错误报告编号和标题作为签入备注。
Psychologists have since demonstrated that young children, asked to count the pencils in a pile, readily report the number of blue or red pencils, but must be coaxed into finding the total. 心理学家们而后又展示一个例子,即:让孩子们数一堆铅笔时,他们能顺利地报出蓝铅笔或红铅笔的数目,但却需诱导才能报出总的数目。
According to the report, the number of users who use mobile phones to make payments has increased 63.4 percent from January to June, with the growth of payment apps likewise surging in that period. 根据该报告,今年1月至6月,手机支付用户人数增长了63.4%,支付应用的发展也十分迅猛。
Report total number of persons in lifeboat. 报告在救生艇上的人数。
While nearly all kids surveyed enjoy reading books for fun, kids report that the number one reason they do not read more is that they cannot find books they like. 尽管几乎所有接受调查的孩子都喜欢进行兴趣阅读,有的孩子却报告说他们没有更多地进行阅读,最主要的原因是他们找不到自己喜欢的书籍。
Report number of injured persons. 报告受伤的人数。
The directory cannot report the number of properties. 目录无法报告属性的数量。
Report number of crewmembers at assembly stations. 报告集合地点船员数量。
Beyond this, the report identifies a number of ingredients in the growth pie. 除此之外,这份报告也列出了经济增长的其它要素。
Report number of all persons at assembly stations. 报告在集合地点的人数。
In other news, the first report on the number of American births in twenty-ten shows another decrease. 其他方面的消息,有关2010年美国出生率的第一份报告显示,出生率再次下降。
Agent probes that report total number of agents run, agent security errors, time-out errors, and other agent-related information. 代理探测器,报告所运行代理的总数、代理安全错误、超时错误和其他与代理相关的信息。
The report said the number of wealthy individuals in Asia was expected to grow faster than in the rest of the world, with an additional$ 4000bn being added to their assets in China and India alone of the next decade. 上述报告预计,亚洲富豪人数的增长速度将快于世界其他地区,未来10年,仅中印两国富豪的资产就将增加4万亿美元。
The commission's report identifies a number of common features across the goals that have limited their implementation, he said. 他说,该委员会的报告提出了这些目标中限制了它们的实施的一些共同的特征。
Allocates the audit report number to be referenced on audit documentation. 审查报告编号,使其可以通过审查文件查找。
Report registration number of your aircraft. 请报告你的航空器注册号。
Written communications relating to the nonconforming item will quote the nonconformance report number for reference purposes. 与不合格物项相关的书面通讯录上,将引用不合格物项报告编号,以作参考。
The Ernst& Young report said the number of customers worldwide with a relationship with only one bank fell from 41 per cent in 2011 to 31 per cent this year. 安永报告表明,全球仅与一家银行打交道的客户比例从去年的41%降至今年的31%。
When Step Count Mode is enabled, and when the ActiGraph is worn on the waist, it will report the number of steps taken during each Epoch. 当活动记录器置于步伐计数模式,并佩带在腰部,即能自动报告每个设定期间所走的步伐数。
If, for example, you ask the inventory query system to tell you how many widgets are in stock, it will dutifully ask the database and report the number as of the time you ask. 例如,如果你请库存查询系统告诉你还有多少小部件,它会忠实地查询数据库,并报告到你提问时间为止的库存数量。
The telephone spring cord is used to show the report corruption hotline number. 以弯弯曲曲电话线为主要画面,带出举报贪污热线的号码。
But this is only partly the case because demand from students is so high, as business schools report an ever-increasing number of applicants. 但这只是事情的一部分,因为来自学生的需求量太大,商学院公布的申请者数量日益攀升。
A woman was charged for allegedly fabricating a corruption report against a number of police officers, accusing them of accepting an advantage for framing her for deception. 廉政公署落案起诉一名女子,控告她涉嫌向廉署作出虚假举报,指控多名警务人员收受利益,诬陷她诈骗财物。
Report number of lifeboats in sight. 报告看到几艘救生艇。
The report makes a number of practical recommendations to eliminate early discontinuation of antiplatelet therapy. 这个报道列出了多条实用的建议来减少早期停用抗血小板治疗。
A report number index is annexed. 最后附有1993年度出版的报告的号码索引。
The accuracy of forecast through multiple regression prediction model and stepwise regression prediction model is better than overlapping sets of multi-index method clearly. The least failing report number of times is stepwise regression prediction model. 9. 多元回归预报模型、逐步回归预报模型的预报准确率明显高于多指标叠套法,漏报次数最少的是逐步回归预报模型。